Friday Night Funkin’ Wiki

Welcome to the Friday Night Funkipedia! Before getting started, please make sure to carefully read through the Rules and Style Manual, as violating them may result in a block. Thank you!

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Friday Night Funkin’ is a Newgrounds rhythm game made in HaxeFlixel originally created for Ludum Dare 47. Programmed by ninjamuffin99 with a soundtrack produced by Kawai Sprite and artwork created by PhantomArcade and evilsk8r, the game can be played on Newgrounds or played/downloaded for free on

The plot of the game centers around Boyfriend trying to hook up with Girlfriend, but her ex-rockstar father Daddy Dearest doesn’t approve of him. It’s up to Boyfriend to rap battle his way through him and anyone else that stands in his way so that he can finally get freaky! Think you got what it takes?

Friday Night Funkin’ is an ongoing project that will continue to receive updates, bug fixes and new content. A full version of the game is currently in development, having been successfully funded via a Kickstarter campaign. Check the changelog here for information on the latest updates. The game is also open source to allow users to mod or simply look through its assets. Download the game files here.

The Friday Night Funkin’ Wiki, otherwise known as the Funkipedia, is a database of information for the game. It is collaboratively run and relies on users contributing their knowledge to share to others. As this wiki is concerned only with the actual game, it does not cover fan-made content and other non-official material. For the ever-growing amount of fan creations made by the community, please check the unaffiliated secondary wiki dedicated to Friday Night Funkin’ mods!

Before getting started, it’s recommended that users read the rules! And before jumping into editing, it’s recommended that users read the style manual! Need to speak to a member of this wiki’s staff or ask a question? Check this page.

Funkin’ since the 9 th of October, 2020.

The Full Ass Game

Check out the Kickstarter campaign that aims to develop a full game!


Ludum Dare Prototype



Learn more about the characters of Friday Night Funkin’.


Hey! It’s Boyfriend! Our spunky, spiky-haired hero is on a mission to prove himself worthy to be Girlfriend’s partner. How you may ask? By singing his little heart out!

Dad Battle

Dadbattle is the third and final track of Week 1. It was composed by Kawai Sprite and released on the 1 st of November, 2020.

Check out the latest Tweets from ninjamuffin99 and PhantomArcade as well.

Question: Why are some of the pages and files locked?

Answer: Pages are locked mainly due to really bad and persistent vandalism. Pages and files are also protected to prevent unnecessary edits. If you would like to help edit or add onto a locked page, please message an admin or content mod first.

Question: Who are the admins/mods?

Answer: The team behind the wiki are Ruffcrane, BlindCartographer, and C4ndiedGh0st.

Question: Can I have admin/mod rights?

Answer: Don’t waste the wiki staff’s time by begging for these rights. It’s not gonna happen. On the bright side, it’s possible to earn them through hard work and dedication. Depending on your behavior and actions on the wiki, you may be approached and offered to earn special privileges to help the wiki even more, plus a custom name color if you choose!

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Question: Where are the mod characters?

Answer: There is an unaffiliated secondary wiki dedicated to fan-made mods of the game to keep unofficial characters, songs and information off of the main wiki. This wiki is strictly official, canon content only.

Question: Can I swear?

Answer: Yes, but it’s preferred if you didn’t swear every other sentence.

Question: Why did you delete my page?

Answer: Your page was deleted because it was unneeded, about an upcoming week or character we have little information or confirmation for, a duplicate of an already existing article or you’re making random pages that have absolutely nothing to do with the game.

Question: Is this wiki official?

Answer: Technically, no. The wiki has been acknowledged, but it has not been officially endorsed by the team behind the game. Since the wiki is operated and contributed by fans, objectivity is not always guaranteed and information is always subject to change/corrections. Regardless, we still aim to be the most accurate source of information for the game available.

Question: Someone on Twitter/Reddit/YouTube said this wiki is inaccurate because Boyfriend didn’t date Pico! It’s just a joke! Stop inserting fan headcanons as fact despite being told several times it’s real!

Answer: That was not a question. Also, please shut up.

Friday Night Funkin’ Wiki

Welcome to the Friday Night Funkipedia! Before getting started, please make sure to carefully read through the Rules and Style Manual, as violating them may result in a block. Thank you!

If you have any questions or inquiries, please ask our wiki staff.


List of Characters

Hey! It’s Boyfriend! Our spunky, spiky-haired hero is on a mission to prove himself worthy to be Girlfriend’s partner. How, you may ask? By singing his little heart out!
Girlfriend is the love of Boyfriend’s life. Her partner is certainly determined to spend the rest of his life with her. The problem? Her father won’t allow it!
Daddy Dearest is the rather intimidating, ex-rockstar father of Girlfriend, and he doesn’t approve of his daughter’s latest partner! Boyfriend will have to give everything he’s got to win his approval!
Skid and Pump are the stars of Sr Pelo’s Spooky Month series, and there’s never a dull moment when they’re around. Despite their childish appearances, they’re tough opponents, so don’t let your guard down!
Not much is known about Monster, but if one thing’s for sure, he has a particular interest in the taste of human flesh. and singing about it? Yikes!
Pico is the hotheaded redhead of Tom Fulp’s Newgrounds classic Pico’s School. With a canceled sequel and declining popularity, things weren’t looking too good for him, but now he’s back and he knows how to rap!
If you thought Girlfriend’s father was tricky, then just wait until you meet her mother! Mommy Mearest doesn’t mess around when it comes to a sing-off, and Boyfriend will have to stay sharp if he wants to gain her approval as well!
Captivating and charming, Senpai just has to be innocent! As a love interest in an old dating sim game, it doesn’t take long for him to take an interest in Girlfriend. Is there perhaps more to his character beneath all that programming and code? Only time will tell!
Whoever the person that Spirit once was has certainly met an unfortunate and cruel fate at the hands of Daddy Dearest. However, there are probably other things to worry about: like the fact that he intends to snatch your body for himself if you lose to him in rap battle!
Tankman, the brainchild of JohnnyUtah’s cynical mind and the driver of the ever-iconic Newgrounds tank, was bored enough to agree to a singing match (and in the middle of a war, no less). Doesn’t seem like Boyfriend has much of a choice in the matter considering Girlfriend is being held at gunpoint, so they might as well make the most out of it!
Darnell is an upcoming character for Friday Night Funkin’.
Nene is an upcoming character for Friday Night Funkin’.
Hank J. Wimbleton is an upcoming character for Friday Night Funkin’.

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